วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Inside Classroom Log  for 17/06/13

Today is presentation continue about method. It is six method of teaching is Task-Based Learning, Project-Based Learning, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Reading.

The first method is Task-Based Learning.It is about learning English with production. This method have step like CLT is 3Ps is presentation practice and production but Task -Based use presentation in last step.

The second method is Project Based Learning is learning by using project. It has the principle for this method are learning’s activity with content, students use high thinking process, can create news task, and create motivation for students.

The third method is Writing teaching about writing in English language’s classroom. This method has many writing method such as controlled writing teaching, less-controlled writing teaching, and free writing teaching.

The fourth is Speaking teaching. This method is the part of 4 skills. This method is build motivation of students for assertive. This method is very important because must use in communicative with foreigner. When teach the students must use English Language in the lesson because can practice the students about speaking. Many activities for practice about speaking such as give to students tell the story,presentation,play games and answer the question from friends or teacher.

The fifth method is Listening. It is method about how the native speaker talk and can practice about speaking of my self.Listening have three steps is While listen ,Pre listening and Post listening.Listening can practice students about how to listen? for can understanding about that story.Motivation about interesting of students and know about target of listening skill.When to practice about listening is see the movie ,listen song,interview foreigner and many.When students learn by yourself they can understand about the lesson more than listen from teacher.

The last method is Reading Teaching is teaching the students to learn about reading. The ways of Reading Teaching are asking priming questions, finding the meaning of vocabularies, reading the text, understanding the text, transferring information, doing exercise, and evaluating and correcting.

